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How is Made



Everything starts with an ideea , we spent the last 15 years surrounded by Dirtbikes and racing for 12 hours a day, so we began to see a need to create new products, during this time we saw a need for high quality protection and accessories. 


An idea or rough sketch is first transferred to a 3D solid model using reverse engineering techniques or via normal CAD (computer aided design) inputs. Depending on the product, a 3D printed model is made for test or is transferred straight to CAM(computer aided manufacturing). Once a CNC programme is created for the model the machining stage can take place .


Machining the first part 

Most of our products are programmed and machined in-house by ourselves on modern 5 axis CNC mills.Everything starts with a big block of high quality aluminium, a pre-production sample is then made which is offered up to the bike where the final fit and look are inspected.


Testing on the bikes 

Once the first prototype is finished, it is tested on the motorcycle